Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lost One... by: Kendellee O'Reilly

She stands about 5'4
Nose so high it peaks through the heavens
She walks her paths with grace and a sense of elegence.
Opening her mouth to speak, what comes out is non of thee above
But the stereotype of African Americans
of being uneducated, unintelligent, and unable to be above the poverty line.
Not saying that this sister
This African Empress, Is either dumb or stupid
But weak, weak in her thinking and strength
Weak in not knowing how to let a man go, when his time has expired
Weak in putting adog before herself and those who care.
See for years we have been thought to see but not see
Be blind, gulliable, and foolish; to the things that's harming us
Because were trying so hard to hold that thing or person
But whats the since of holding on to something that's not there.
If there is nothing there your hands will grasp into a fist
That should be a sign my sisters,
That fist symbolizes strength
That fist says " Love Yourself"
The question is who are you, without you
So whats a man to break you,
Put you down
Put you in the "dog house"
Stress you out
That's no man, That's a stranger
A mass figure taking up space in your life.
So my sister be strong
Know that if you have no one
You have yourself and the divine one.
Only he can judge you
A man is just something he created just like, just like me
So be intimidated by no MAN !
Just be strong my sister, BE STRONG!

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